Contact Us

We work hard to provide our readers with expert fishing tips, tricks, and the latest gear reviews.

You can contact us if you have any suggestions or feedback.

Jacob Wheeler Portrait Pic

Fishing Seminars

Contact us if you want a packed house with a professional speaker who gives an in-depth fishing seminar with all the equipment onsite for hands-on learning.

Fishing Guide Service

Guide Service

Contact us for our Guide Service if you want to flycast along the streams, fish the surf for stripers or bluefish, slug it out with bass, or learn how to catch fish.

Fishing Camp

Fishing Camp

Our Fishing Camp is an in-person, full immersion program. From beginners to advanced, we have a program for your needs. You’ll learn, fish, and have fun!

Jacob Wheeler Portrait Pic

Fishing Discussion Forums

Welcome to The Fishing Line fishing discussion forums! Here you will find all the information you need to decide where and when to go fishing and what baits or plugs to use.